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Organizational structure

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Table of contents:


Organizational structure of the Association of Drug and Health Device Suppliers

  • Congress of delegates

    (all members of ADL)

    • Presidium of ADL

      3 – 7 members

    • Office of ADL

      office manager

    • Manufacturer section


    • Distributor section


    • Pharmaceutical section


    • Associated member section
    • Working groups
      1. Working group for nutritional supplements and cosmetics
      2. Working group for cooperation with patient organizations
      3. Working group for legislation, pharmacoeconomics, pricing and GDP


Organs of the Association of Drug and Health Device Suppliers

Presidium of ADL
President PharmDr. Koloman Gachall
3 – 7 members Mgr. Peter Kall
PharmDr. Tomáš Rada, CSc.
PharmDr. Ľubica Hladíková
Mgr. Miloslav Čiliak, MHA
PharmDr. Jaroslava Gatialová
RNDr. JUDr. Hana Vrabcová


Manufacturer section
Chairman Mgr. Peter Kall


Distributor section
Chairman PharmDr. Ľubica Hladíková


Pharmaceutical section
Chairman PharmDr. Jaroslava Gatialová


Office of ADL
Office Manager Zuzana Krištínová
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update: 02.07.2016 | number of views: 224306

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